Ideally you should check your tires each time before you drive your car. This could be as simple as a walk around your vehicle to make sure all your tires are properly inflated. It is a quick and easy way to make sure you are safe on your journey. A few years ago, we were headed out for the weekend. I had everything and everyone loaded in the car. We were ready to leave when Jason did the walk around and we had a low tire. We had picked up a nail at some point. We had to have it repaired before we could go. It was just a little hiccup, but I am glad we did our walk around before leaving home. It could have become a much bigger issue on the freeway. If you are concerned about your tire pressure or if you are unsure what you are looking for then just stop by or give us a call and we can help you. Give us a call and let us take care of you.
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