Why should I change my cabin air filter?
The easy answer is to keep you healthy. Your Cabin Air Filter filters the air that you and your breathe inside your car. It Filters out smoke, pollen, mold, dirt and other pollutants. Over time your Cabin Air Filter will become dirty and clogged. When it becomes dirty and clogged then it will no longer keep the air in your car clean. This can cause your Cabin Air Filter to grow bacteria. Your Cabin Air Filter should be changed every 15,000 miles or once a year. Last year after the forest fires and smoke in the valley we recommended to have your cabin air filter changed due to all the smoke. If you have not had it changed yet, then we would recommend having it changed soon. If you drive on dirt roads, then we would recommend having your Cabin Air Filter changed more frequently. Give us a call and let us take care of you.
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